Lose weight in a healthy and natural way

weight lose help
lose weight by vegitable
For those people concerned about their health and beauty , have a few extra kilos can cause many reactions, from looking desperate alternatives to put the body at your ideal weight, either putting on a diet, eliminating much food, or look for pills or products promise this and that (or suppress appetite) to find a good nutritionist or become aslave to the gym.
Lose weight in a healthy and natural wayHowever, losing weight may be easier than we think if we consider only seven tips very practical that we can save much time, money and effort, in addition, these tips will not only help you regain your ideal figure, but will help detoxify your body of toxins, fats and matter accumulated waste in your body, especially your intestines, causing your skin, hair, eyes, nails and overall appearance comince to show more smoothness, brightness, gaiety , strength and health, areflection of this inner cleansing.
So if you want inciar something very simple and with tremendous results, to work:

1. How long will it take me ?:

This is one of the first things we think of when we want to lose weight and someone offers us something that attracts us because usually want quick results. Actually, the time to start seeing results with these tips depends much you want to lose weight and the conditions of your body. But if you are consistent and will put you will see that in less than a month empeizas to lose kilos . That's a promise.

2. How to eat?

We reached the point where we run because we do not want or can stop eating this and that. But do not worry! we know how difficult it is to start stop eating this and that, the truth is that your body is accustomed to certain things and habits and it will take a while to adapt to the new, but this happens whenever one wants to change into something more great. So what you do is pimero know that your body "will tantrum" that is, resist, feet stomping, cist want to evade all the new options offer you.You must be patient with yourself, and during this process does not punish or reprove if falter in the attempt, only you must be firm. Your body is like a child who is accustomed to sleep when you want. One day her father comes and turns off the light at 8 pm and says , "from the moment you sleep at 8". What do you think will the child? Quite a show, right. But this show will only last a few days if the father is firm.

3. What to eat? (Food "yes")

This is a small list of foods that not only help debug your body fat and toxins, but help nourish and prevent the body due tolack of nutrients, begin storing fat.
You should start to include in your diet:
• Pure water(at least 2 liters of water per day). 
•  juice sap.
•  Chlorophyll . 
• Chitosan. 
• Onions. 
• Lemons. 
• Artichoke 
  Pineapple . 
• Algae, like spirulina and agar-agar . 
• Maple Syrup.  
• Apple. 
• Nopales. 
•  green tea or Boldo.

4. How to take these foods?

It is important that as a first food in the morning and fasting you take the juice of two lemons dissolved in half a glass of warm water . This is one of the big secrets to keep fit and healthy. The second food (after half an hour lemon) should be a citrus or acidic fruits such as guavas, plums, pineapple, citrus. After waiting twenty minutes, breakfast whatever you want. Do not eat anything between meals if you get hungry, drink water, if you get craving, drink water . At lunch, try to include some of the foods suggested, if not within your reach, eat what you want but only on two conditions: do not drink any sugar water at this time (or fruit juice, soda, etc.) only half a glass of pure water or a glass of vegetable juice either carrot , alfalfa, celery or a combination, whatever you like . For dinner, you just have to eat an apple. If you're hungry, eat another apple, if you have not eaten all day, dinner as light as you can and promises that tomorrow will not malpasarás and bear something to eat on time. 

5. How to drink the water?

Do not drink water before or after eating but half an hour before. Take your bottle wherever you go and add 2 or 3 teaspoons of chlorophyll juice or sap.
Siguiento these tips here, you'll be seeing results very soon.

6.  Food "no"

It is important that you go slowly removing your diet the following foods which lops, you must know not only nourish and cause a host of ailments, including obesity.
 Refined sugar : 
Replaced by honey, brown sugar or muscovado. This is one of the most harmful to the body, "food", causes addiction, rots teeth and wears the nervous system, when you ingest is only converted to fat in the body.
•  animals Sausages and fried foods :

Animal fats, you know, are both harmful and spoil your health and beauty. If you like a lot, replaced by vegetable sausages they are delicious and there are many recipes so you can prepare them in many ways. 

•  Cow 's milk :
Milk is one of the foods that are nutritious reputation and cause more havoc on the health, well overweight. If you are very accustomed to milk, go slowly removing it from your diet, you can substitute soy milk or almond. Cow's milk forms dense flakes in the intestines difficult to digest, in addition, much of the milk sold comes from stables where hotmonas and ectceterás injected cows. If you can not leave at once, at least initially replace it with organic milk.
7. Make exercise
And finally, do not forget to exercise at least half an hour a day , give yourself time to breathe and move your muscles and skeleton. The exercise is ideal to put to circulate your blood optimally oxygenate your muscles, nourishes your skin, tissues, hair , etc. , plus it helps you download pent -upemotions that may be making you feel depressed, unmotivated or altered.  
Well then, we hope you do not think much and you start from tomorrow.

Remember to be very patient with you. Note that the process of cleansing the body with any depuratiova diet at first leads to symptoms such as diarrhea, upset stomach , sometimes head , anxiety, and so on . But these are all signs that your body is cleansing, reminiscent of the "child-body" you're educating something that soon will give you much ssatisfacciones.