Diet to lose weight healthily after delivery

lose weight naturally after pregnancy
perfect mother
Are you desperate to regain your figure, now that your baby was born? For you succeed with success and you feel good while you carry out your plan, follow the following suggestions:

Do not start dieting immediately

Your body needs time to recover from labor and delivery . Postpartum checkup wait until the sixth week before starting to watch your calorie intake and actively trying to lose weight. And if you are breastfeeding , wait approximately two months.

Start dieting too soon after giving birth can interfere with your recovery and cause you more tired, just when you need a lot of energy to care for your newborn. If you are nursing, following a diet could affect milk production .

If you are patient and give your body the time it needs to recover, possibly you finish sorprendiƩndote by the amount of weight you'll lose naturally, especially if you're breastfeeding.

Keep it real

Note that you may not recover the shape or weight you had before pregnancy. For many women, pregnancy causes them permanent changes, such as a belly softer and wider hips and waist. Do not torment yourself: is much more important to be healthy and happy mom, you stay a size in particular.

Do not forget exercise

There is no "magic pill" to help you lose weight: a healthy diet combined with physical activity
weight loss secrets
practiced on a regular basis is the best way to take off those extra kilos, and not get fat again. And it is important to exercise while trying to lose weight to be sure that you are losing fat and not muscle mass.

Once you're ready to start to lose weight, start by eating a little less and be more active , but just give a quick walk around the block where you live taking your baby in the stroller (stroller) .

Find out how to exercise while walking your baby in a stroller and if your body is ready for exercise .

Lose weight slowly

It is very important that you get to do a strict diet: women need a minimum of 1,200 calories a day to stay healthy. And most women need much more than that-between 1,800 and 2,200 calories diarias- to keep up their energy and prevent mood swings.

If you are breastfeeding, you need a minimum of 1,800 calories a day (most breastfeeding moms need 2,000 to 2.700 calories a day).

If you're breastfeeding , you have to make sure you take it slow. Remember that losing weight too quickly can negatively impact your milk.

Losing weight too quickly also releases toxins that are stored in your fat tissue (such as polychlorinated biphenyls or PCBs and pesticides), and passing your bloodstream and your milk.

Lose about a pound (half a kilo) per week is considered safe and it will not affect your milk production. To achieve lose that amount, you need to eliminate 500 calories a day (but you have to respect the minimum), either eating less or doing more activity.
Do not skip meals
After the baby arrives, you're probably so busy that sometimes do not have time even to eat. However, skipping meals is not good because it can affect your level of energy, and that will not help you lose weight.

Many moms say they eat six small meals (half a sandwich, fruit or a glass of milk) a day and various snacks or healthy snacks (instead of 3 large meals) keeps them satisfied and works for them best with your new schedule .

Do not skip meals in an attempt to lose weight. Besides it will not help, because surely you will eat more at other meals, you could also be more tired and irritable.

Be sure to eat well in the morning, even if you're not used to breakfast. So you avoid feeling tired and starving at midmorning. Plus you'll have more energy.

Many studies show that skipping breakfast can interfere with weight loss. The US Weight Control Registry, investigated what were the strategies that worked for them a group of people who, after making a diet lost an average of 66 pounds (30 kilos) and thus remained for nearly six years. Such research showed that 78 percent of those people were in the habit of eating breakfast daily.

What you can also help is to eat slowly. When you take your time to eat, you realize more easily that you are full and not overeat.
Watch what you eat and drink
Research shows that consuming these products can help you lose weight: milk and low-fat dairy products and whole grain foods such as breads and cereals.

Another good option is to choose healthy foods that are low in fat and high in fiber, such as fruits (eg apples, oranges and strawberries) and raw vegetables (carrots, jicama, or Mexican turnip and strips of red peppers).

Other ways to get more fruits and veggies: Use fruit or vegetable salsas (vegetable sauces poured over fish and chicken), add to your sandwich shredded carrots, roasted vegetables test or eat vegetable soups.

Keep in mind that fat has twice as many calories as carbohydrates and proteins. So eating less fat, it may be the easiest way to reduce the number of calories in your diet.
Try to buy low-fat dairy products (no need to drink whole milk so that the quality of your breast milk is best) and bake or bake your foods instead of frying them. It is also important not to eat many sweets as they have extra calories from sugar and fat.

But at the same time, keep in mind that fat is an important nutrient. Not delete it completely from your diet. In fact, if you include some fat in each meal you will find that you can feel satisfied longer. It also can help you not to eat carbohydrates in excess. (Excess calories from any food source -fats, proteins, or carbohydrates- can make gain weight and interfere with your plan to regain your figure).

What can help you is to distinguish between "good" fats and "bad". The best fats are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats such as you find in olive oil, canola oil, nuts, olives, avocados, and fish such as salmon.

Avoid fats "trans" type, and saturated, which can cause heart problems and possibly diabetes. Plus they can reach your breast milk.

Saturated fats are typically found in many processed foods, canned products cooked in sauce, fried foods and fast foods. Read labels to find out about levels of fat "trans" containing foods you buy.

Finally, although you should drink about eight to nine glasses of fluids a day, it keeps track of what you drink. Remember that there is a surprising amount of calories in juice, soft drinks as well as coffee with cream and sugar. Dilute the juice with water, or limit yourself to drink water with or without gas.
A sample menu New Mom
Here are the menu of a full day (about 1,800 calories for moms who do not breastfeed and 2.200 for who breast). Use this information as a rough guide. The amount of calories you consume will depend on who your weight, your metabolism, your activity level and how much breast milk takes your child.

    6 ounces or 170 grams (7 ounces if you're breastfeeding) grain or starch, of which at least 3 ounces (85 grams) should be whole grains (such as pasta, rice or whole wheat bread).
    1 ½ cups fruit (2 cups for moms who breastfeed), including at least one fruit rich in vitamin C (such as kiwi, oranges, strawberries or melon).
    2 cups of vegetables (3 cups if you're breastfeeding), including at least one vegetable rich in vitamin A (such as sweet potato or boniato- -batata, carrots, spinach or kale).
    5 ounces or 115 grams (6 ounces or 170 grams if you give chest) of meat and grains. Consume proteins from different sources, such as fish, meat, eggs, beans or beans.
    3 cups (regardless if you give chest or not) of dairy products, preferably low-fat or calcium-rich foods (such as milk, cheese, yogurt or fortified soy milk).
    5 teaspoons of fat (6, if you give chest). Healthier alternatives include canola oil or olive oil, or margarines without hydrogenated fats to limit saturated and "trans" fats. Remember it is highly recommended to avoid fats such as "trans" fat "bad" found in many processed foods, fried foods and fast foods. Read labels to find out about the levels of "trans" fats.
    195 additional calories (290 if you're breastfeeding). Here you can get them if you use, for example, whole milk instead of low-fat or if you serve more food portions.

Find out about the physical and emotional changes that can happen to you after giving birth.

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Revised October 2016
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