20 home remedies for losing belly

Localized fat in the abdomen is very difficult to remove, there is no foolproof trick to get that perfect luzcamos a flat belly.

However, the combination of a healthy diet and exercise will help combat those extra kilos accumulated effectively.

In this report we recommend 20 home remedies for losing belly:

1. Ginger, pepper and honey

Three products that will increase your body temperature speeding up the metabolic rate effectively.

For consumption we recommend the development of a ginger tea, adding honey and a little pepper later. You stop not try it!

Ginger. Flat stomach
2. Almonds
Almonds contain potassium, we are concerned by its diuretic effect and because they are rich in fiber and very little caloric.
They will get you feel satiated for longer than a healthy and easy way.
Almonds. Flat stomach

3. Honey and cinnamon

To lose weight quickly please add a tablespoon of cinnamon to a glass of water hiviendo and then incorporate the Mezla a tablespoon of honey.

We recommend its use twice a day, at breakfast and before bedtime.

Cinnamon. Flat stomach

lose weight naturally home remedies


4. Honey and lemon

To clean and remove localized fat in the belly fasting prepare half a glass of warm water with lemon juice and a little honey.

Honey and lemon

5. unsweetened fruit juices

They are rich, healthy and refreshing, anyone more? Staying hydrated throughout the day is very important, the only drinks that should be avoided are alcoholic, which will go directly to stop the abdomen as fat.

Fruit juices. Flat stomach

6. Avena3

One of the products that activate the metabolism more effectively, the avena3 will help remove accumulated fat thanks to fiber also contribute enough to stay active all day energy. That is why the king of fat burning foods.

Avena3. Flat stomach

7. Tomato

Tomatoes burn body fat thanks to its contribution of fiber and phytonutrients also they contain a lot of water.

Of course, in order to be natural and organic, this way you will ensure all possible benefits.


8. Drinking enough water and when to take it

As mentioned above hydration is essential.

lose weight naturally home remedies

It is recommended to drink a glass half hour before and after each meal and before, after and during exercise.

Before going to sleep it is best not to avoid forcing interrupt sleep to get up to go to the bathroom.

Water. Flat stomach

9. Hot water

On an empty stomach eat a quart of warm water. This will eliminate toxins form, you will accelerate the metabolism and fat will disappear from your life.

10. Caraway seeds

Caraway is a biennial herb from Europe, West Asia and North Africa.

It can be used as a seasoning in stews, stimulating intestinal transit, controlling gases ... and many other pleasantly beneficial benefits.

caraway plant

Caraway plant

11. Soja

Reduces blood sugar, provides protein, reduces cholesterol ...

Soybeans, despite the negative rumors with which it is related lately, is very healthy and will help to reduce abdominal fat, but like everything, not abuse.
Glycine max

12. Raspberry Ketone

This supplement hit hard last year in Germany thanks to its fat-burning powers, on the other hand, improves thermogenesis and helps control appetite.

But you know it is best to use natural products because they are always healthier.

Raspberries. Flat stomach

13. Apple cider vinegar

Fasting take one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar dissolved in a glass of warm water will improve your digestion and reduce heartburn and reflux.

Apple vinager

14. Green Tea

As we all know green tea it is a powerful fat-burning natural and contains many other properties.

Lowers cholesterol, eliminate free radicals ... It is the tea that best acts in the area of which I speak because of their dual catechin content.

Green Tea

15. Honey, pepper and mint

Make a mint tea by adding pepper and some honey to hold off belly fat.


16. Kiwi

Kiwis contenienen very few calories and high in Vitamin C, making them potent laxatives to prevent constipation and fluid retention.


17. vitaminaC

Acts as an antioxidant, is an essential nutrient to improve healing, prevents premature aging, facilitates the absorption of other vitamins ...

In short, Vitamin C is vital for our body and we should consume foods containing it .

Flat Belly vitamin C.

18. Pineapple

High mineral content, purifying and diuretic.

Its use in snacks is desirable to increase the feeling of satiety and remove toxins, as a result you will dine less.


19. raw green leafy vegetables

The best way to eat vegetables is raw, so you get to keep all their vitamins and properties.

raw spinach. Flat stomach

20. Evening primrose oil

Regulates hormone levels and reduces inflammatory substances. Highly recommended!